Tree Summary

The Scriven Oak

Tree Summary

The survey of the trees of Scriven has concentrated on the area to the south of the village of Scriven and to the west of new Scriven. Much of this area has been in the ownership of the Slingsby family until the middle of the 20th century and much of the land formed the grounds and parkland of Scriven Hall, the seat of the Slingsby family. Therefore many of the trees were planted for their appearance, to enhance the vista from Scriven Hall and to provide a pleasant aspect when walking in the grounds.
The area to the north of the village, whilst also mainly owned by the Slingsby family, is an agricultural landscape and as such has few individual trees and only a couple of small woods. Also the northern extent of this area, from the mid 20th century was subject to gravel extraction and has only in the last few years been returned to agriculture.
A total of 180 trees was surveyed and a table showing the numbers of each type is shown below. It can be seen the Oak is the most commonly found tree.
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Tree Type Number Percentage
Ash 27 15
Beech 18 10
Hawthorn 11 6
Larch 6 3
Oak 55 31
Scots Pine 7 4
Sycamore 33 18
Others 23 13

An examination of the tree distribution on the individual tree maps, which can be seen for each tree type shows that most varieties are spread across the whole of the area. The exceptions are the hawthorn, confined to an area of 100m by 30m, and the larch and Scots pine which only occur around Appleby Carr lake.

Unfortunately we were unable to survey the most well known tree of Scriven, the Scriven Oak, planted in 1845 to commemorate the coming of age of Sir Charles Slingsby, as it was felled for reasons of safety in 1976.