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Name Source Reference Number
B????? Elizabeth 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410961
B????? James 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410962
B????? Jane 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410963
B????? Mary 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410964
B????? Rosanna 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410965
B????? William 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410960
Bachelor 1910 Robinson Street Directory 19100097
Bachelor Arthur 1903 Robinson Directory 19030004
Bachelor Arthur 1904 Robinson Directory 19040003
Bachelor Arthur 1905 Robinson Directory 19050003
Bachelor Arthur 1907 Robinson Directory 19070003
Bachelor Arthur 1908 Robinson Directory 19080002
Bachelor Arthur 1909 Robinson Directory 19090002
Bachelor Arthur 1912 Robinson Directory 19120003
Bachelor Arthur 1915 Robinson Directory 19150003
Back Marian 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410639
Backhouse Alfred 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page12 Line23
Backhouse Thomas 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710672
Backster Elisabeth Overseer Account 1824 18240035
Backster Elisabeth Overseer Account 1825 18250018
Backster Elisabeth Overseer Account 1826 18260020
Backster Elisabeth Overseer Account 1827 18270019
Backster Elisabeth Overseer Account 1829 18290021
Bacon Ellen 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810035
Baif George Extracts from Minute Book 1830-1856 Page9 Line41
Bailes 1941 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page12 Line17
Bailes Frank 1944 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page28 Line4
Bailes Frank 1948 Kelly Directory 19480004
Bailes Frank 1950 Kelly Directory 19500005
Bailes Harold 1943 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page18 Line5
Bailes Herbert 1943 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page1 Line13
Bailes Herbert 1953 Kelly Directory 19530005
Bailes Herbert 1955 Kelly Directory 19550005
Bailes Herbert 1957 Kelly Directory 19570004
Bailes Herbert 1959 Kelly Directory 19590004
Bailes Herbert 1961 Kelly Directory 19610004
Bailes Herbert 1963 Kelly Directory 19630004
Bailes Herbert 1966 Kelly Directory 19660006
Bailey Press Cuttings 1945 Knaresborough Post Page5 Line27
Bailey A 1945 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser & Herald Page4 Line37
Bailey Ann 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810534
Bailey Beatrice Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00570
Bailey Charles 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610474
Bailey Dorothy Agnes Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00570
Bailey John Overseer Account 1822 18220082
Bailey John J W 1905 Robinson Directory 19050004
Bailey John J W 1907 Robinson Directory 19070004
Bailey John James 1901 Census Scriven with Tentergate 19010044
Bailey John James Woodroff Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00570
Bailey John Willie 1910 Estates Field book 19100004
Bailey Joseph A 1901 Census Scriven with Tentergate 19010042
Bailey Joseph Arthur 1903 Robinson Directory 19030005
Bailey Joseph Arthur 1904 Robinson Directory 19040004
Bailey Lucy 1901 Census Scriven with Tentergate 19010043
Bailey M. Press Cuttings 1947 Harrogate Advertiser Page10 Line12
Bain 1915 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser Page13 Line14
Bainbridge 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980176
Bainbridge 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980349
Bainbridge E Overseer Account 1822 18220202
Bainbridge Emma 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510518
Bainbridge George 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510519
Bainbridge Henry 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411235
Bainbridge John Overseer Account 1849 18490002
Bainbridge Joseph 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510516
Bainbridge Ralph Articles of Agreement re Scriven Moor Page2 Line1
bainbridge Samuel Overseer Account 1848 18480036
Bainbridge Susannah 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510517
Baines 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page14 Line3
Baines Press Cuttings 1948 Knaresborough Post Page10 Line31
Baines 1955 Kellys Street Directory 19550193
Baines Overseer Account 1822 18220203
Baines A 1930 Robinson Street Directory 19300098
Baines A 1935 Robinson Street Directory 19350085
Baines A Press Cuttings 1945 Knaresborough Post Page14 Line16
Baines A. 1942 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page7 Line22
Baines A.E. Press Cuttings 1945 Knaresborough Post Page14 Line27
Baines Albert 1950 Kellys Street Directory 19500198
Baines Alfred 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18811132
Baines Alfred 1935 Robinson Street Directory 19350142
Baines Alfred 1940 Kellys Street Directory 19400118
Baines Alfred 1940 Kellys Street Directory 19400186
Baines Alfred 1942 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page9 Line16, 18
Baines Alfred 1945 Kellys Street Directory 19450200
Baines Alfred 1950 Kellys Street Directory 19500195
Baines Alfred 1955 Kellys Street Directory 19550118
Baines Alfred 1955 Kellys Street Directory 19550190
Baines Alfred 1945 Kellys Street Directory 19450128
Baines Alfred 1950 Kellys Street Directory 19500123
Baines Doreen 1942 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page7 Line21
Baines Doreen 1942 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page9 Line20
Baines Edna 1942 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page9 Line16
Baines Fred 1901 Census Scriven with Tentergate 19010026
Baines Thomasin The Will of William Andrews 1816 Page1 Line23
Baines Vera 1942 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page9 Line21
Baines Veronica Press Cuttings 1945 Knaresborough Post Page15 Line1
Baines Veronica Mary Press Cuttings 1945 Knaresborough Post Page14 Line14, 16
Bairstow James Robert 1940 Kellys Street Directory 19400025
Bairstow James Robert 1945 Kellys Street Directory 19450020
Baite Thomas Henry 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610029
Baiteson John The Will of William Roundell 1652 Page1 Line10
Baiteson Susan The Will of William Roundell 1652 Page1 Line10
Bake Martha Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00061
Bake William Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00061
Bake Anne Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00091
Bake Ellen Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00121
Bake George Overseer Account 1822 18220012
Bake George Overseer Account 1822 18220134
Bake George Overseer Account 1822 18220204
Bake George Overseer Account 1822 18220247
Bake George Overseer Account 1822 18220305
Bake George Overseer Account 1823 18230013
Bake George Overseer Account 1823 18230104
Bake George Overseer Account 1824 18240009
Bake George Overseer Account 1825 18250009
Bake George Overseer Account 1826 18260009
Bake George Overseer Account 1826 18260062
Bake George Overseer Account 1827 18270009
Bake George Overseer Account 1827 18270061
Bake Thomas Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00106
Bake William Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00091
Bake William Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00106
Bake William Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00121
Baker Aaron Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00006
Baker C T 1941 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser Page7 Line8
Baker Ellen Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00036
Baker Fred 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page14 Line7
Baker John Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00022
Baker Jonathan Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00022
Baker Jonathon Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00006
Baker Jonathon Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00036
Baker William Henry 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page13 Line2
Bakinshaw Benjamin 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410722
Bakinshaw George 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410720
Bakinshaw George 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410723
Bakinshaw Isobella 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410721
Baldison Catherine 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411114
Baldison Joseph 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411112
Baldison Joseph 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411113
Baldison Joseph Overseer Account 1854 18540052
Baldison Mark 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411109
Baldison Mary 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411110
Baldison Thomas 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411111
Baldridge A. 1919 Press Cuttings Harrogate & Knaresborough Times Page5 Line16
Baldwin Elizabeth 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411300
Baldwin Henry 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411303
Baldwin J.A. 1945 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser & Herald Page3 Line56
Baldwin Mary 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411301
Baldwin Sarah 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411302
Baleman Theresa 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910537
Bales Extracts from Minute Book 1830-1856 Page10 Line10
Bales Extracts from Minute Book 1830-1856 Page10 Line24
Bales Ann Overseer Account 1848 18480002
Bales Ann Overseer Account 1850 18500001
Bales John Extracts from Minute Book 1830-1856 Page9 Line39
Baley John 1777 Alehouse Licences 17770003
Baley John 1778 Alehouse Licences 17780005
Baley John 1781 Alehouse Licences 17810004
Balfe Ann Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00158
Balfe Charles Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00158
Balfe Mary Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00158
Balgray Eliza 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610418
Balgray Henry 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610417
Balguy Eliza 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710233
Balguy Henry 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710232
Ball Charles 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610203
Ball Robert 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610188
Balm John Marriages 1814 - 1912 M00013
Bambridge H. 1944 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser Page11 Line30
Bamford John 1955 Kellys Street Directory 19550090
Bamforth Sarah 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710257
Bankes Robert Wright 1905 Robinson Street Directory 19050032
Banks Alice Burials 1702 - 1777 D00236
Banks Mary 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410227
Banks mary Overseer Account 1848 18480053
Banks R W 1903 Robinson Directory 19030006
Banks R W 1904 Robinson Directory 19040005
Banks W. H. 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page16 Line4
Banner John 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510266
Banter Jane 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411148
Banter Mary 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411147
Banth??? Elizabeth 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410282
Banth??? James 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410285
Banth??? John 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410284
Banth??? Mary 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410287
Banth??? Samuel 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410286
Banth??? Thomas 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410283
Barb? Peter 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410594
Barber C 1910 Robinson Street Directory 19100021
Barber S 1915 Robinson Street Directory 19150038
Barber S 1925 Robinson Street Directory 19250116
Barber Susan 1911 Scriven Census 19110576
Barber William 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980311
Barbf William 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410862
Bardy Alice 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411317
Bardy Alice Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00266
Bardy Ann 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411319
Bardy Anna 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510856
Bardy Charles 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411316
Bardy Charles Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00266
Bardy George Marriages 1814 - 1912 M00008
Bardy Henry 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411318
Bardy Henry Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00266
Bardy Mary 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411327
Bardy Samuel Marriages 1814 - 1912 M00008
Barf Extracts from Minute Book 1830-1856 Page10 Line27
Barf Ann Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00149
Barf George Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00149
Barf George Overseer Account 1813 18130074
Barf George Overseer Account 1814 18140079
Barf George Overseer Account 1814 18140091
Barf George Overseer Account 1814 18140099
Barf George Overseer Account 1814 18140109
Barf George Overseer Account 1814 18140110
Barf George Overseer Account 1814 18140117
Barf George Overseer Account 1848 18480001
Barf Hannah Overseer Account 1813 18130009
Barf Hannah Overseer Account 1814 18140009
Barf Hannah Overseer Account 1815 18150015
Barf Henry Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00149
Barf John 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710678
Barf M+B63ary Overseer Account 1813 18130016
Barf Mary 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710676
Barf Mary Overseer Account 1814 18140019
Barf Peter Overseer Account 1851 18510002
Barf Samuel 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710677
Barfe Peter Overseer Account 1850 18500002
Barff Extracts from Minute Book 1830-1856 Page3 Line37
Barff Overseer Account 1822 18220014
Barff Overseer Account 1822 18220131
Barff Overseer Account 1822 18220244
Barff Overseer Account 1822 18220304
Barff Overseer Account 1823 18230014
Barff Overseer Account 1824 18240007
Barff Overseer Account 1825 18250008
Barff Overseer Account 1826 18260007
Barff Overseer Account 1827 18270069
Barff Overseer Account 1829 18290030
Barff Overseer Account 1846 18460065
Barff Ann Overseer Account 1825 18250072
Barff Ann Overseer Account 1826 18260074
Barff Charles 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910420
Barff Charles Overseer Account 1828 18280078
Barff Charles Overseer Account 1828 18280079
Barff Charles Overseer Account 1829 18290083
Barff George Overseer Account 1825 18250056
Barff George Overseer Account 1825 18250066
Barff George Overseer Account 1827 18270084
Barff George Overseer Account 1846 18460021
Barff George Overseer Account 1847 18470001
Barff John 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910419
Barff Joseph Overseer Account 1822 18220208
Barff Joseph Overseer Account 1828 18280076
Barff Joseph Overseer Account 1829 18290070
Barff Mary 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510352
Barff Mary Overseer Account 1822 18220015
Barff Mary Overseer Account 1822 18220132
Barff Mary Overseer Account 1822 18220245
Barff Mary Overseer Account 1823 18230015
Barff Mary Overseer Account 1824 18240008
Barff Mary Overseer Account 1825 18250007
Barff Mary Overseer Account 1826 18260008
Barff Mary Overseer Account 1827 18270008
Barff Mary Overseer Account 1828 18280008
Barff Mary Overseer Account 1828 18280068
Barff Mary Overseer Account 1829 18290008
Barff Mary Overseer Account 1846 18460008
Barff Peter 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510230
Barff Samual 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910418
Barffe Ann 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510419
Barffe Charles 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510418
Barffe Elizabeth 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510420
Barker 1796 Valuation of Scriven Lands 17960103
Barker 1915 Press Cuttings Claro Times Page14 Line7
Barker 1917 Press Cuttings Harrogate Herald Page10 Line28
Barker 1945 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser & Herald Page9 Line34. 51, 54
Barker List of Toll Cards Circa 1742 Table Row35
Barker List of Toll Cards Circa 1742 Table Row93
Barker Slingsby Burgages circa 1728 Page3 Line11
Barker Slingsby Burgages circa 1728 Table Row25
Barker Alice Emma 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910518
Barker Charles 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910517
Barker A 1945 Kellys Street Directory 19450131
Barker A 1950 Kellys Street Directory 19500127
Barker A. 1917 Press Cuttings Claro Times Page5 Line21
Barker A. 1917 Press Cuttings Harrogate Herald Page13 Line5
Barker Ada 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810047
Barker Ada Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00494
Barker Alfred 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710509
Barker Alfred E. 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810040
Barker Alice 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710508
Barker Alice 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810045
Barker Alice E 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810039
Barker Annie 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910021
Barker Arthur 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710510
Barker Arthur 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810046
Barker Betsy Elizabeth 1911 Scriven Census 19110108
Barker Betsy Elizabeth Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00523
Barker Caroline 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710639
Barker Cecelia 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810059
Barker Charles 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710506
Barker Christiana 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710717
Barker Dorithie The Will of William Roundell 1652 Page1 Line26
Barker Dossy Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00494
Barker E M 1935 Robinson Street Directory 19350090
Barker E M 1940 Kellys Street Directory 19400128
Barker E M 1945 Kellys Street Directory 19450140
Barker E M 1950 Kellys Street Directory 19500136
Barker E M 1955 Kellys Street Directory 19550131
Barker Edith 1944 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page2 Line29
Barker Eleanor 1919 Electoral Register Scriven 19190008
Barker Elizabeth 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710633
Barker Elizabeth 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710637
Barker Elizabeth 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810048
Barker Elizabeth 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18811183
Barker Elizabeth 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910020
Barker Elizabeth 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910022
Barker Elizabeth 1901 Census Scriven with Tentergate 19010037
Barker Elizabeth 1918 Electoral Register Scriven 19180006
Barker Elizabeth 1919 Electoral Register Scriven 19190010
Barker Elizabeth 1920 Electoral Register Scriven 19200010
Barker Elizabeth 1921 Electoral Register Scriven 19210009
Barker Elizabeth 1922 Electoral Register Scriven 19220010
Barker Elizabeth 1923 Electoral Register Scriven 19230011
Barker Elizabeth 1924 Electoral Register Scriven 19240012
Barker Elizabeth 1925 Electoral Register Scriven 19250014
Barker Elizabeth Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00500
Barker Elizabeth Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00507
Barker Elizabeth Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00533
Barker Elizabeth Burials 1702 - 1777 D00039
Barker Elizabeth Annie 1901 Census Scriven with Tentergate 19010038
Barker Elizabeth Jane 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18811184
Barker Emily 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910023
Barker Emily 1901 Census Scriven with Tentergate 19010039
Barker Emily Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00507
Barker Emily Marriages 1814 - 1912 M00085
Barker Emma 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610664
Barker Evelyn 1911 Scriven Census 19110110
Barker George 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610662
Barker George 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710535
Barker George Hardy 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810060
Barker Georgeana 1901 Census Scriven with Tentergate 19010040
Barker Georgiana 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910024
Barker Georgina 1911 Scriven Census 19110109
Barker Georgina Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00523
Barker Georgina Marriages 1814 - 1912 M00085
Barker Hannah 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710713
Barker Harriet E 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810063
Barker Henry 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810037
Barker Henry 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page14 Line17
Barker Henry M 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810051
Barker Hetty 1911 Scriven Census 19110269
Barker Isaac 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610626
Barker Isabella Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00533
Barker J. 1919 Press Cuttings Claro Times Page4 Line14
Barker J. 1919 Press Cuttings Harrogate & Knaresborough Times Page5 Line13
Barker J. 1919 Press Cuttings Harrogate Herald Page4 Line9
Barker J. H. W. 1919 Press Cuttings Harrogate Herald Page11 Line9
Barker J. W. 1915 Press Cuttings Claro Times Page12 Line22
Barker Jane 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710507
Barker Jane 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810038
Barker John 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810052
Barker John 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810054
Barker John 1920 Robinson Street Directory 19200096
Barker John 1925 Robinson Street Directory 19250096
Barker John 1930 Robinson Street Directory 19300103
Barker John List of Toll Cards Circa 1742 Table Row148
Barker John List of Toll Cards Circa 1742 Table Row78
Barker John List of Toll Cards Circa 1742 Table Row87
Barker John W 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810050
Barker John William 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710716
Barker John William 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810058
Barker Jonathon 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610586
Barker Jonathon 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710712
Barker Joseph 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810042
Barker Joseph 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810056
Barker Joseph Burials 1702 - 1777 D00039
Barker Margaret 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710635
Barker Margaret 1911 Scriven Census 19110270
Barker Maria 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610663
Barker Maria 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810053
Barker Mark 1920 Electoral Register Scriven 19200012
Barker Mark 1921 Electoral Register Scriven 19210011
Barker Mark 1922 Electoral Register Scriven 19220012
Barker Mark 1923 Electoral Register Scriven 19230013
Barker Mark 1924 Electoral Register Scriven 19240014
Barker Mark 1925 Electoral Register Scriven 19250016
Barker Mark Marlow 1926 Electoral Register Scriven 19260014
Barker Mark Marlow 1927 Electoral Register Scriven 19270013
Barker Mark Marlow 1928 Electoral Register Scriven 19280013
Barker Mark Marlow 1929 Electoral Register Scriven 19290017
Barker Martha 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810043
Barker Martha Robinson Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00494
Barker Mary 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810055
Barker Mary 1911 Scriven Census 19110589
Barker Mary Ann 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610665
Barker Mary E. 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810049
Barker Mary Elizabeth 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18811185
Barker Mary Elizabeth Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00500
Barker Mary Elizabeth Marriages 1814 - 1912 M00077
Barker Philip Burgage Houses in Knaresborough 1720 Table Row43
Barker Philip Burgages in Knaresborough 1714 Table Row48
Barker Philip Slingsby Burgages circa 1728 Table Row16
Barker Phillis 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710636
Barker R 1942 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page8 Line27
Barker R. 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page11 Line10
Barker R. 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page13 Line20
Barker Richard 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810034
Barker Robert 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710511
Barker Robert 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810044
Barker Robert W 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810041
Barker Samuel 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710632
Barker Samuel 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710638
Barker Sarah 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810036
Barker Susan 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710634
Barker Susannah 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610627
Barker Susannah 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810057
Barker Thomas 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610666
Barker Thomas 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710715
Barker Thomas 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18811182
Barker Thomas 1881 Kelly Directory 18810001
Barker Thomas 1889 Kelly Directory 18890002
Barker Thomas 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910019
Barker Thomas 1892 Kelly Directory 18920004
Barker Thomas 1893 Kelly Directory 18930004
Barker Thomas 1897 Kelly Directory 18970002
Barker Thomas 1900 Robinson Directory 19000003
Barker Thomas 1901 Census Scriven with Tentergate 19010036
Barker Thomas 1902 Robinson Directory 19020003
Barker Thomas 1903 Robinson Directory 19030007
Barker Thomas 1904 Robinson Directory 19040006
Barker Thomas 1905 Robinson Directory 19050005
Barker Thomas 1907 Robinson Directory 19070005
Barker Thomas 1908 Robinson Directory 19080003
Barker Thomas 1909 Robinson Directory 19090003
Barker Thomas 1910 Estates Field book 19100005
Barker Thomas 1911 Scriven Census 19110107
Barker Thomas 1912 Kelly Directory 19120001
Barker Thomas 1912 Robinson Directory 19120004
Barker Thomas 1915 Robinson Directory 19150004
Barker Thomas 1917 Kelly Directory 19170002
Barker Thomas 1918 Electoral Register Scriven 19180007
Barker Thomas 1919 Electoral Register Scriven 19190011
Barker Thomas 1920 Electoral Register Scriven 19200011
Barker Thomas 1921 Electoral Register Scriven 19210010
Barker Thomas 1922 Electoral Register Scriven 19220011
Barker Thomas 1922 Kelly Directory 19220002
Barker Thomas 1923 Electoral Register Scriven 19230012
Barker Thomas 1924 Electoral Register Scriven 19240013
Barker Thomas 1925 Electoral Register Scriven 19250015
Barker Thomas 1926 Electoral Register Scriven 19260013
Barker Thomas 1927 Electoral Register Scriven 19270012
Barker Thomas 1927 Kelly Directory 19270001
Barker Thomas 1928 Electoral Register Scriven 19280012
Barker Thomas 1928 Robinson Directory 19280011
Barker Thomas 1929 Electoral Register Scriven 19290016
Barker Thomas 1929 Robinson Directory 19290011
Barker Thomas 1930 Robinson Directory 19300011
Barker Thomas 1931 Robinson Directory 19310011
Barker Thomas 1932 Robinson Directory 19320011
Barker Thomas 1933 Robinson Directory 19330011
Barker Thomas 1934 Robinson Directory 19340011
Barker Thomas 1936 Kelly Directory 19360003
Barker Thomas 1936 Robinson Directory 19360010
Barker Thomas 1937 Kelly Directory 19370007
Barker Thomas 1938 Kelly Directory 19380006
Barker Thomas 1939 Kelly Directory 19390004
Barker Thomas Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00500
Barker Thomas Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00507
Barker Thomas Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00523
Barker Thomas Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00533
Barker Thomas Marriages 1814 - 1912 M00077
Barker Thomas Marriages 1814 - 1912 M00085
Barker Thomas Marriages 1814 - 1912 M00085
Barker Thomas Fletcher Marriages 1814 - 1912 M00066
Barker W Press Cuttings 1953 Knaresborough Post & Borobridge Herald Page2 Line7
Barker W. 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page1 Line24
Barker William 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980131
Barker William 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980139
Barker William 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980303
Barker William 1828 Enclosure Act Line 33
Barker William 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610204
Barker William 1901 Census Scriven with Tentergate 19010041
Barker William 1911 Scriven Census 19110268
Barker William 1919 Electoral Register Scriven 19190009
Barker William 1920 Electoral Register Scriven 19200009
Barker William 1921 Electoral Register Scriven 19210008
Barker William 1922 Electoral Register Scriven 19220009
Barker William 1923 Electoral Register Scriven 19230010
Barker William 1924 Electoral Register Scriven 19240011
Barker William 1925 Electoral Register Scriven 19250013
Barker William 1926 Electoral Register Scriven 19260012
Barker William 1927 Electoral Register Scriven 19270011
Barker William 1928 Electoral Register Scriven 19280011
Barker William 1929 Electoral Register Scriven 19290015
Barker William Indentures 1804 - 1826 I002
Barker William Marriages 1814 - 1912 M00066
Barker William Slingsby Burgages circa 1728 Table Row24
Barkers J. 1917 Press Cuttings Harrogate Herald Page9 Line10
Barkers J. A. 1917 Press Cuttings Harrogate Herald Page4 Line15
Barkhill Edward Overseer Account 1822 18220374
Barl Ann 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410521
Barl Charles 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410520
Barl Elizabeth 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410523
Barl John 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410501
Barl Marg.? 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410522
Barley Ann Overseer Account 1822 18220041
Barley Ann Overseer Account 1822 18220159
Barley Ann Overseer Account 1822 18220223
Barley Ann Overseer Account 1822 18220269
Barley Ann Overseer Account 1822 18220327
Barley Ann Overseer Account 1822 18220419
Barley Ann Overseer Account 1823 18230038
Barley Ann Overseer Account 1824 18240030
Barley Ann Overseer Account 1825 18250033
Barley Ann Overseer Account 1826 18260031
Barley Ann Overseer Account 1827 18270032
Barley Ann Overseer Account 1828 18280038
Barlow Anne Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00132
Barlow Charles 1901 Census Scriven with Tentergate 19010157
Barlow John Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00132
Barman Katherine V M 1901 Census Scriven with Tentergate 19010228
Barnard F 1905 Robinson Street Directory 19050036
Barnes A M 1920 Robinson Street Directory 19200089
Barnes A M 1925 Robinson Street Directory 19250089
Barnes A. D. 1918 Press Cuttings Harrogate Herald Page2 Line3
Barnes Emma S 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910499
Barnes Ernest 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page14 Line7
Barnes Stanley 1919 Press Cuttings Harrogate & Knaresborough Times Page5 Line13
Barnett Ellen 1911 Scriven Census 19110500
Barnett Thomas 1911 Scriven Census 19110499
Barnett William 1796 Valuation of Scriven Lands 17960090
Barnett William 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980123
Barnfather George 1920 Robinson Street Directory 19200005
Barnfather George Press Cuttings 1946 Knaresborough Post Page12 Line15,16,1921,
Barnfield Jack 1943 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser Page7 Line43
Barntt William 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980295
Barrat Sarah Overseer Account 1847 18470003
Barret James 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610687
Barret Jane 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610690
Barret Margaret 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610689
Barret Martha 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610688
Barrett Arthur 1940 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser, Harrogate Herald Page19 Line13
Barrett Arthur 1940 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page16 Line8
Barrett Harriet Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00239
Barrett James Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00372
Barrett John William 1911 Scriven Census 19110318
Barrett John William 1915 Robinson Street Directory 19150119
Barrett John William 1920 Robinson Street Directory 19200116
Barrett John William 1925 Robinson Street Directory 19250119
Barrett John William 1930 Robinson Street Directory 19300125
Barrett Joseph Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00239
Barrett Martha Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00372
Barrett Mary Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00372
Barrett Samuel Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00239
Barrett Thomas Overseer Account 1826 18260063
Barrett Walter P 1915 Robinson Street Directory 19150120
Barrett Walter P 1925 Robinson Street Directory 19250120
Barrett Walter P 1930 Robinson Street Directory 19300126
Barrett Walter Preston 1911 Scriven Census 19110319
Barrett William 1930 Robinson Street Directory 19300129
Barrick Alfred 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810082
Barrick Elizabeth 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510037
Barrick Elizabeth 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18511081
Barrick Elizabeth 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810077
Barrick Elizabeth Burials 1702 - 1777 D00246
Barrick Ellen 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510035
Barrick Fred 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810081
Barrick Grace 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510036
Barrick Harriet 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510034
Barrick Harriet Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00373
Barrick Harriet Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00373
Barrick Harriet Ann 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810079
Barrick J. 1917 Press Cuttings Harrogate Herald Page4 Line18
Barrick James 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18511082
Barrick James Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00386
Barrick John 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810080
Barrick John Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00386
Barrick Joseph 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510064
Barrick Joseph 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810076
Barrick Joseph Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00373
Barrick Joseph Overseer Account 1850 18500087
Barrick Martha Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00386
Barrick Marther 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18511080
Barrick Mary Ellen 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810078
Barrick Peter 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510068
Barrick Samuel 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510067
Barrick Thomas 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510066
Barrick William 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510065
Barriett Joseph Overseer Account 1851 18510076
Barritt Ada 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810075
Barritt Alice 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810073
Barritt Ann 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810066
Barritt Ann 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810072
Barritt Caroline 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411288
Barritt Ellen 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810071
Barritt Emma 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810069
Barritt Eva 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810074
Barritt Harriett 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810068
Barritt Mary 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810070
Barritt Samuel 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810065
Barritt Sarah 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411287
Barritt William 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810067
Barritt William 1920 Robinson Street Directory 19200119
Barritt William 1925 Robinson Street Directory 19250123
Barrobie John The Will of William Roundell 1652 Page1 Line21
Barroby Burgages in Knaresborough 1714 Table Row31
Barrow Edward 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18811209
Barrow Edward Burials 1878 - 1902 SF1008
Barrow Mary 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18811210
Barrow William 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980135
Barrow William 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980307
Barrowman George 1950 Kellys Street Directory 19500112
Barrows Edward 1877 Kelly Directory 18770012
Barrows Edward 1881 Kelly Directory 18810010
Barslow Francis 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910301
Barslow Jonathan 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910300
Barstow Jane 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710610
Barstow Jonathon 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710609
Bartaby Ernest 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page18 Line18
Bartholomew Arthur Henry 1920 Electoral Register Scriven 19200013
Bartholomew Arthur Henry 1921 Electoral Register Scriven 19210012
Bartholomew Arthur Henry 1922 Electoral Register Scriven 19220013
Bartholomew Arthur Henry 1923 Electoral Register Scriven 19230014
Bartholomew Arthur Henry 1924 Electoral Register Scriven 19240015
Bartholomew Arthur Henry 1925 Electoral Register Scriven 19250017
Bartholomew Arthur Henry 1926 Electoral Register Scriven 19260015
Bartholomew Arthur Henry 1927 Electoral Register Scriven 19270015
Bartholomew Arthur Henry 1928 Electoral Register Scriven 19280015
Bartholomew Arthur Henry 1929 Electoral Register Scriven 19290019
Bartholomew Elizabeth 1927 Electoral Register Scriven 19270014
Bartholomew Elizabeth 1928 Electoral Register Scriven 19280014
Bartholomew Elizabeth 1929 Electoral Register Scriven 19290018
Bartholomew Mark 1919 Electoral Register Scriven 19190012
Bartholomew Mark 1937 Kelly Directory 19370006
Bartholomew Mark 1938 Kelly Directory 19380005
Bartle Joseph Marriages 1814 - 1912 M00046
Barton J. W. 1915 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser Page16 Line21
Barton Lucy 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610192
Barton Margantha 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610886
Bartram Isabella 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810084
Barwick Anne Burials 1702 - 1777 D00211
Barwick Harriet 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610647
Barwick Joseph 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610646
Barwick Joseph 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610649
Barwick William 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610648
Bashforth Charles 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18511223
Bashforth Dunderdale 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18511230
Bashforth Emley 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18511231
Bashforth Mary 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18511229
Batcheler Arthur H 1901 Census Scriven with Tentergate 19010184
Batcheler Elizabeth 1901 Census Scriven with Tentergate 19010185
Batchelor A H 1937 Kelly Directory 19370030
Batchelor A H 1938 Kelly Directory 19380030
Batchelor A H 1939 Kelly Directory 19390012
Batchelor A H 1940 Kelly Directory 19400013
Batchelor A H 1941 Kelly Directory 19410018
Batchelor A H 1943 Kelly Directory 19430019
Batchelor A H 1945 Kelly Directory 19450018
Batchelor A H 1948 Kelly Directory 19480024
Batchelor A H 1950 Kelly Directory 19500031
Batchelor A H 1953 Kelly Directory 19530031
Batchelor A H 1955 Kelly Directory 19550030
Batchelor A H 1957 Kelly Directory 19570031
Batchelor A H 1959 Kelly Directory 19590030
Batchelor A H 1940 Kellys Street Directory 19400047
Batchelor A H 1945 Kellys Street Directory 19450045
Batchelor Arthur 1902 Robinson Street Directory 19020034
Batchelor Arthur 1905 Robinson Street Directory 19050034
Batchelor Arthur 1910 Robinson Street Directory 19100044
Batchelor Arthur H 1915 Robinson Street Directory 19150067
Batchelor Arthur Henry 1911 Scriven Census 19110410
Batchelor Arthur Henry 1919 Electoral Register Scriven 19190013
Batchelor C 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page1 Line24
Batchelor Daisy 1911 Scriven Census 19110412
Batchelor E W 1937 Kelly Directory 19370031
Batchelor E W 1938 Kelly Directory 19380031
Batchelor E W 1939 Kelly Directory 19390013
Batchelor E W 1940 Kelly Directory 19400014
Batchelor E W 1941 Kelly Directory 19410019
Batchelor E W 1943 Kelly Directory 19430020
Batchelor E W 1945 Kelly Directory 19450019
Batchelor E W 1948 Kelly Directory 19480025
Batchelor E W 1950 Kelly Directory 19500032
Batchelor E W 1953 Kelly Directory 19530032
Batchelor E W 1955 Kelly Directory 19550031
Batchelor E W 1957 Kelly Directory 19570032
Batchelor E W 1959 Kelly Directory 19590031
Batchelor E. 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page1 Line24
Batchelor Elizabeth Ann 1911 Scriven Census 19110411
Batchelor Elizabeth Ann 1919 Electoral Register Scriven 19190014
Batchelor Elizabeth Ann 1920 Electoral Register Scriven 19200014
Batchelor Elizabeth Ann 1921 Electoral Register Scriven 19210013
Batchelor Elizabeth Ann 1922 Electoral Register Scriven 19220014
Batchelor Elizabeth Ann 1923 Electoral Register Scriven 19230015
Batchelor Elizabeth Ann 1924 Electoral Register Scriven 19240016
Batchelor Elizabeth Ann 1925 Electoral Register Scriven 19250018
Batchelor Elizabeth Ann 1926 Electoral Register Scriven 19260016
Batchelor Elizabeth Ann 1927 Electoral Register Scriven 19270016
Batchelor Elizabeth Ann 1928 Electoral Register Scriven 19280016
Batchelor Elizabeth Ann 1929 Electoral Register Scriven 19290020
Batchelor Ernest 1911 Scriven Census 19110264
Batchelor Ernest W 1915 Robinson Street Directory 19150102
Batchelor Ernest W 1920 Robinson Street Directory 19200100
Batchelor Ernest W 1940 Kellys Street Directory 19400039
Batchelor Ernest W 1945 Kellys Street Directory 19450035
Batchelor Ernest W 1950 Kellys Street Directory 19500036
Batchelor Ernest W 1955 Kellys Street Directory 19550036
Batchelor Ernest Walter 1920 Electoral Register Scriven 19200015
Batchelor Ernest Walter 1921 Electoral Register Scriven 19210014
Batchelor Ernest Walter 1922 Electoral Register Scriven 19220015
Batchelor Ernest Walter 1923 Electoral Register Scriven 19230016
Batchelor Ernest Walter 1924 Electoral Register Scriven 19240017
Batchelor Ernest Walter 1925 Electoral Register Scriven 19250019
Batchelor Ernest Walter 1926 Electoral Register Scriven 19260017
Batchelor Ernest Walter 1927 Electoral Register Scriven 19270017
Batchelor Ernest Walter 1928 Electoral Register Scriven 19280017
Batchelor Ernest Walter 1929 Electoral Register Scriven 19290021
Batchelor Ernest William 1919 Electoral Register Scriven 19190015
Name Source Reference Number
Batchelor George 1920 Electoral Register Scriven 19200017
Batchelor George 1921 Electoral Register Scriven 19210016
Batchelor George 1922 Electoral Register Scriven 19220017
Batchelor George 1926 Electoral Register Scriven 19260019
Batchelor George 1927 Electoral Register Scriven 19270019
Batchelor George 1928 Electoral Register Scriven 19280019
Batchelor Georgena 1929 Electoral Register Scriven 19290023
Batchelor James 1911 Scriven Census 19110267
Batchelor James 1950 Kellys Street Directory 19500045
Batchelor James 1955 Kellys Street Directory 19550046
Batchelor Marie 1911 Scriven Census 19110265
Batchelor Minnie 1919 Electoral Register Scriven 19190016
Batchelor Minnie 1920 Electoral Register Scriven 19200016
Batchelor Minnie 1921 Electoral Register Scriven 19210015
Batchelor Minnie 1922 Electoral Register Scriven 19220016
Batchelor Minnie 1923 Electoral Register Scriven 19230017
Batchelor Minnie 1924 Electoral Register Scriven 19240018
Batchelor Minnie 1925 Electoral Register Scriven 19250020
Batchelor Minnie 1926 Electoral Register Scriven 19260018
Batchelor Minnie 1927 Electoral Register Scriven 19270018
Batchelor Minnie 1928 Electoral Register Scriven 19280018
Batchelor Minnie 1929 Electoral Register Scriven 19290022
Batchelor Walter 1911 Scriven Census 19110266
Batchelor Walter 1923 Electoral Register Scriven 19230018
Batchelor Walter 1924 Electoral Register Scriven 19240019
Batchelor Walter 1925 Electoral Register Scriven 19250021
Batchelor Walter 1937 Kelly Directory 19370008
Batchelor Walter 1938 Kelly Directory 19380007
Batchelor Walter 1939 Kelly Directory 19390005
Batchelor Walter 1945 Kellys Street Directory 19450181
Batchelor Walter 1950 Kellys Street Directory 19500177
Batchelor Walter 1955 Kellys Street Directory 19550172
Bateman J. W. 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page13 Line10
Bates Extracts from Minute Book 1830-1856 Page10 Line7
Bates Ann Overseer Account 1849 18490001
Bath Benjamin 1940 Kellys Street Directory 19400012
Bath Benjamin 1955 Kellys Street Directory 19550009
Bathy G 1910 Estates Field book 19100006
Batter Robert Overseer Account 1815 18150067
Battie The Will of William Roundell 1652 Page1 Line24
Battie Elleine The Will of William Roundell 1652 Page1 Line25
Batty Annie Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00589
Batty George Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00597
Batty George Tomlinson Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00589
Batty George Tomlinson Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00597
Batty Hettie Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00589
Batty Hetty Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00597
Batty Thomas The Will of Thomas Palliser Page1 Line26
Baudby Ann 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810090
Baul R.W. Press Cuttings 1946 Knaresborough Post Page5 Line18
Baur Heinz Press Cuttings 1947 Harrogate Advertiser Page11 Line18
Baxter List of Toll Cards Circa 1742 Table Row1
Baxter Ann 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710234
Baxter Charles 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510579
Baxter Charles Overseer Account 1854 18540096
Baxter Frederick 1911 Scriven Census 19110119
Baxter Lawrence Marriages 1814 - 1912 M00081
Baxter Nanny Isabel Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00607
Baxter Nanny Isabell 1911 Scriven Census 19110118
Baxter Richard Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00607
Baxter William 1911 Scriven Census 19110117
Baxter William 1912 Robinson Directory 19120005
Baxter William Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00607
Baxter William Marriages 1814 - 1912 M00081
Baybutt F Press Cuttings 1945 Knaresborough Post Page11 Line18
Bayley 1925 Robinson Street Directory 19250027
Bayley F 1920 Robinson Street Directory 19200027
Bayley Fanny 1905 Robinson Street Directory 19050007
Bayley Frances 1915 Robinson Street Directory 19150029
Bayliff 1935 Robinson Street Directory 19350120
Bayliff William 1920 Robinson Street Directory 19200111
Bayliff William 1930 Robinson Street Directory 19300133
Bayliffe William 1925 Robinson Street Directory 19250127
Baylish Aler??? 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910298
Baylish Sarah 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910297
Baynes Charles The Will of Thomas Ward Page1 Line17
Baynes Cornelius Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00061
Baynes Fred 1911 Scriven Census 19110533
Baynes John Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00061
Baynes Thomasin Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00061
Bead List of Toll Cards Circa 1742 Table Row150
Beal William 1925 Robinson Street Directory 19250046
Beal William 1930 Robinson Street Directory 19300049
Beal William 1935 Robinson Street Directory 19350037
Bean Ann 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510391
Bean Bryan Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00112
Bean Bryan Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00131
Bean Bryan Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00131
Bean Jiles 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510393
Bean John 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510390
Bean John 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510392
Bean Thomas Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00112
Beasley Catherine 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710687
Beasley Charles 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710689
Beasley Thomas 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710686
Beasley William 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710688
Beatty 1919 Press Cuttings Claro Times Page6 Line24
Beatty Edward Oyston 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18511275
Beaumont 1943 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page1 Line28
Beaumont Frederick 1923 Electoral Register Scriven 19230019
Beaumont Frederick 1924 Electoral Register Scriven 19240020
Beaumont Frederick 1925 Electoral Register Scriven 19250022
Beaumont J. R. 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page1 Line24
Beck 1940 Kellys Street Directory 19400158
Beck 1941 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page12 Line34
Beck C E 1925 Robinson Street Directory 19250044
Beck C E 1930 Robinson Street Directory 19300047
Beck Carl E 1920 Robinson Street Directory 19200041
Beck Ernest 1940 Kellys Street Directory 19400199
Beck M 1945 Kellys Street Directory 19450110
Beck Martin 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411091
Beck Mary 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810095
Beck Mary 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910208
Beck Mary Ann 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610056
Beck Robert 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910209
Beck S 1950 Kellys Street Directory 19500105
Beck S 1955 Kellys Street Directory 19550100
Beck Signa 1943 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page13 Line35
Beck Thomas 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810094
Beck Thomas 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910207
Beck W. 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page14 Line27
Beckwith Slingsby Burgages circa 1728 Page3 Line10
Beckwith Harold 1911 Scriven Census 19110153
Beckwith John List of Toll Cards Circa 1742 Table Row101
Beckwith John List of Toll Cards Circa 1742 Table Row42
Beckwith Robert Overseer Account 1826 18260060
Beckwith William Burgage Houses in Knaresborough 1720 Table Row46
Beckwith William Burgages in Knaresborough 1714 Table Row16
Beckwith William Slingsby Burgages circa 1728 Table Row17
Beckworth 1925 Robinson Street Directory 19250043
Beckworth W 1920 Robinson Street Directory 19200040
Beddall Ann 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610172
Beddall Harriet 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610174
Beddall Jane 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610173
Beddard 1944 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page2 Line35
Bedell E. 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page12 Line12
Bedford Harry 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page14 Line5
Bedford James 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610634
Bedford William 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page9 Line15
Beecroft Christopher Bondland Rentals Page2 Line45
Beecroft Christopher Sir Henry Slingsby Lands 170004
Beecroft Christopher Sir Henry Slingsby Lands 170037
Beevers D Press Cuttings 1952 Harrogate Advertiser Page13 Line23
Beilby John Articles of Agreement re Scriven Moor Page3 Line13
Bekyrdyke William Notes from Knaresborough Court Rolls 15th Century Page2 Line26
Bell 1915 Press Cuttings Claro Times Page5 Line37
Bell 1916 Press Cuttings Harrogate Herald Page6 Line16
Bell Peter 1957 Kelly Directory 19570005
Bell A Press Cuttings 1953 Knaresborough Post & Borobridge Herald Page2 Line5
Bell A. 1916 Press Cuttings Harrogate & Claro Times Page7 Line13
Bell Albert 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page18 Line11
Bell Albert Victor 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page9 Line9
Bell Edwin 1902 Robinson Street Directory 19020024
Bell Hannah Overseer Account 1814 18140042
Bell Lillian 1901 Census Scriven with Tentergate 19010072
Bell Lousa 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710581
Bell Mary 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410930
Bell W H Press Cuttings 1948 Knaresborough Post Page13 Line11
Bell W. F. 1919 Press Cuttings Harrogate Herald Page11 Line11
Bell William Overseer Account 1815 18150066
Bell William Fenton 1916 Press Cuttings Harrogate & Claro Times Page3 Line11
Bellamy Burgages in Knaresborough 1714 Table Row75
Bellamy List of Toll Cards Circa 1742 Table Row128
Bellerby Margaret 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610047
Bellerby W. 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page1 Line24
Bellowmy Bartholomew Burgage Houses in Knaresborough 1720 Table Row85
Belton Michael W 1955 Kellys Street Directory 19550207
Bendelow 1946 Harrogate Advertiser Page2 Line37,38,
Bendelow Fred 1946 Harrogate Advertiser Page2 Line3,7,22,23,37,39
Bendelow Fred 1946 Harrogate Advertiser Page3 Line2,3,4,8,10,14,15,
Bennet Ann 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810097
Bennet Emma 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810100
Bennet Jane 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810099
Bennet John 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810096
Bennet John 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810102
Bennet Mary 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810098
Bennet Patrick 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810101
Bennett 1944 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser Page11 Line4
Bennett 1944 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page15 Line20
Bennett 1944 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page20 Line9
Bennett C 1945 Kellys Street Directory 19450027
Bennett C 1950 Kellys Street Directory 19500028
Bennett Caroline Ellen 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610208
Bennett Edward B 1955 Kellys Street Directory 19550028
Bennett Francis 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610209
Bennett William Edward 1940 Kellys Street Directory 19400031
Benon Peter The Will of John Dowson 1589 Page1 Line22
Benon William 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980310
Benson 1796 Valuation of Scriven Lands 17960068
Benson 1916 Press Cuttings Harrogate & Claro Times Page6 Line19, 25
Benson 1916 Press Cuttings Harrogate Herald Page5 Line40
Benson Burgages in Knaresborough 1714 Table Row60
Benson Extracts from Minute Book 1830-1856 Page4 Line7
Benson List of Toll Cards Circa 1742 Table Row49
Benson List of Toll Cards Circa 1742 Table Row83
Benson Overseer Account 1851 18510062
Benson Overseer Account 1852 18520068
Benson Herbert 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810105
Benson Ann Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00207
Benson Ann Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00403
Benson Anne Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00252
Benson Anne Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00301
Benson Anne Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00301
Benson Anne The Will of Richard Nicholson Page1 Line12
Benson Arthur 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810107
Benson Beatrice 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810108
Benson Charles Burgages in Knaresborough 1714 Table Row64
Benson David Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00207
Benson Dorothy The Will of Richard Nicholson Page1 Line12,
Benson E 1905 Robinson Street Directory 19050047
Benson E 1910 Robinson Street Directory 19100102
Benson Edith 1911 Scriven Census 19110289
Benson Eliza 1911 Scriven Census 19110287
Benson Elizabeth The Will of Richard Nicholson Page1 Line12
Benson Fred 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810106
Benson George Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00207
Benson George Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00252
Benson George Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00301
Benson Hannah Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00190
Benson Hugh Charles 1911 Scriven Census 19110288
Benson J G 1920 Robinson Street Directory 19200038
Benson John Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00128
Benson John Burgage Houses in Knaresborough 1720 Table Row53
Benson John Overseer Account 1822 18220090
Benson John Overseer Account 1851 18510026
Benson Lawrence 1771 Alehouse Licences 17710004
Benson Lawrence 1773 Alehouse Licences 17730003
Benson Lawrence 1773 Alehouse Licences 17730004
Benson Lawrence 1778 Alehouse Licences 17780004
Benson Lawrence 1781 Alehouse Licences 17810003
Benson Lennye The Will of Thomas Coghill Page4 Line21
Benson Mary Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00128
Benson Mary The Will of Richard Nicholson Page1 Line7,19,22,23,
Benson Peter Desmesne Land Rentals Page1 Line36
Benson Peter Rental from Copyhold Lands 180014
Benson Peter Rental from Copyhold Lands 180015
Benson Peter Sir Henry Slingsby Lands 170046
Benson Peter Sir Henry Slingsby Lands Penultimate Line
Benson Peter The Will of Richard Roundell Page1 Line27
Benson Peter The Will of Thomas Coghill Page4 Line21
Benson Peter The Will of Thomas Coghill Page5 Line5
Benson Peter The Will of Thomas Lowes Page1 Line17
Benson Richard Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00252
Benson Richard Notes from Knaresborough Court Rolls 15th Century Page2 Line36
Benson Richard Sir Henry Slingsby Lands 170040
Benson Sarah 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410023
Benson Sarah Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00190
Benson Sophia 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810104
Benson Thomas 1777 Alehouse Licences 17770004
Benson Thomas 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810103
Benson Thomas Coates Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00403
Benson Tom Coates Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00403
Benson William 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980138
Benson William 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980158
Benson William 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980198
Benson William 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980199
Benson William 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980330
Benson William 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980373
Benson William 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980374
Benson William Burgage Houses in Knaresborough 1720 Table Row8
Benson William List of Toll Cards Circa 1742 Table Row110
Benson William List of Toll Cards Circa 1742 Table Row156
Benson William Slingsby Burgages circa 1728 Page3 Line9
Benson William Slingsby Burgages circa 1728 Table Row12
Benson William The Will of Richard Nicholson Page1 Line7,12,23
Bensone ? The Will of Richard Hay Page1 Line15
Bentley List of Toll Cards Circa 1742 Table Row158
Bentley Overseer Account 1852 18520089
Bentley E.B. Press Cuttings 1950 Knaresborough Post Page6 Line20
Bentley Mary A 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810111
Bentley Thomas Articles of Agreement re Scriven Moor Page1 Line22
Bentley Thomas Burials 1702 - 1777 D00158
Bentley Thomas Overseer Account 1846 18460043
Bentley Thomas Overseer Account 1847 18470038
Bentley Thomas Overseer Account 1848 18480033
Bently George List of Toll Cards Circa 1742 Table Row108
Benton John Overseer Account 1827 18270070
Berber Francis 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page1 Line20
Bergon Ellin 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410637
Berry James 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610775
Berry Joseph 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710536
Berry Rebecca 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610776
Berry William C 1901 Census Scriven with Tentergate 19010125
Betham John 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510304
Betham Lydia 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510303
Bethell David Overseer Account 1828 18280098
Bethell Henry Burgage Houses in Knaresborough 1720 Page1 Line36
Betley 1944 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page33 Line19
Bewerley?? ?ohne 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410250
Bickerdike Ann 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810116
Bickerdike Elizabeth 1834 Land Valuation of Sir Thomas Slingsby Lands 18340012
Bickerdike Elizabeth 1834 Land Valuation of Sir Thomas Slingsby Lands 18340013
Bickerdike Elizabeth 1834 Land Valuation of Sir Thomas Slingsby Lands 18340014
Bickerdike Elizabeth 1834 Land Valuation of Sir Thomas Slingsby Lands 18340015
Bickerdike Elizabeth 1834 Land Valuation of Sir Thomas Slingsby Lands 18340016
Bickerdike Elizabeth 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410013
Bickerdike Elizabeth Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00005
Bickerdike Elizabeth Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00014
Bickerdike Elizabeth Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00023
Bickerdike Louisa 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710439
Bickerdike Mary 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810113
Bickerdike Mary Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00023
Bickerdike Nicholas The Will of William Roundell 1652 Page1 Line22
Bickerdike Nicholas The Will of William Roundell 1652 Page1 Line33
Bickerdike Sarah 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810114
Bickerdike Thomas 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980137
Bickerdike Thomas 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980309
Bickerdike Thomas Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00005
Bickerdike Thomas Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00014
Bickerdike Thomas Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00023
Bickerdike William 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810115
Bickerdike William 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810117
Bickerdike William Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00005
Bickerdike William Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00014
Bielby J.R. 1945 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser & Herald Page4 Line4
Biemuigan Judy 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510973
Biggin Ellen 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810119
Bileson List of Toll Cards Circa 1742 Table Row115
Bilton John 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610444
Bilton Bessy Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00255
Bilton David 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410215
Bilton David 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510566
Bilton David 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610450
Bilton Elizabeth 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410212
Bilton Elizabeth 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510561
Bilton Elizabeth 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510565
Bilton Elizabeth 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610445
Bilton Elizabeth 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610448
Bilton John 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410211
Bilton John 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410214
Bilton John 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510560
Bilton John 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510563
Bilton John 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610446
Bilton John Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00255
Bilton John Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00255
Bilton John List of Toll Cards Circa 1742 Table Row158
Bilton Mary Ann 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610447
Bilton Maryann 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510564
Bilton Miles M. Indemnity Bonds Page3 Line27
Bilton William 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410213
Bilton William 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510562
Bind George 1915 Robinson Directory 19150005
Bingham Elizabeth 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410441
Bingham Elizabeth 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18511328
Bingham Jane 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410439
Bingham John 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410438
Bingham Margaret 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410782
Bingham Mary 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410440
Bingley 1941 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page18 Line14
Bingley 1942 Press Cuttings Harrogate Herald Page4 Line18
Bingley 1942 Press Cuttings Harrogate Herald Page4 Line18
Bingley Agnes 1940 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser, Harrogate Herald Page8 Line6
Bingley Agnes 1940 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page6 Line18
Binks Alma 1942 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page21 Line1
Binnie D 1945 Kellys Street Directory 19450063
Binnie D 1940 Kellys Street Directory 19400037
Binns Alfred 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page9 Line28
Binns G M 1940 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page11 Line3
Binns Grace 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910472
Binns Jane 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411009
Binns W. 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page11 Line18
Birbeck Thomas 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710537
Birch George Extracts from Minute Book 1830-1856 Page11 Line16
Birch George Overseer Account 1849 18490058
Birch William Albert 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page12 Line20
Bird John 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510459
Birkalt Jane 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410246
Birkalt William 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410245
Birkenshaw Christopher Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00365
Birkenshaw Elizabeth Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00365
Birkenshaw Elizabeth Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00365
Birkhill Elizabeth Ann 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810126
Birkile Jane 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410982
Birkile John 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410981
Birkill Jane 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510118
Birkill John 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510117
Birnand Sir Henry Slingsby Lands 170014
Birnie T. 1917 Press Cuttings Harrogate Herald Page7 Line3
Bishop A 1911 Scriven Census 19110354
Bishop E 1902 Robinson Street Directory 19020007
Bishop E 1905 Robinson Street Directory 19050069
Bishop E.A 1911 Scriven Census 19110356
Bishop Elizabeth 1911 Scriven Census 19110355
Bishop W A 1910 Robinson Street Directory 19100074
Bishop W A 1915 Robinson Street Directory 19150076
Bishop W A 1920 Robinson Street Directory 19200074
Bishop W A 1925 Robinson Street Directory 19250074
Blackbro Richard 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980133
Blackbrough Richard 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980304
Blackbrough Richard 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980305
Blackbrough Richard 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980305
Blackbrough Richard Contract to Build Workhouse Page1 Line18,32
Blackbrough Richard Contract to Build Workhouse Page2 Line4
Blackbrough Richard Contract to Sell Workhouse Page2 Line20,34
Blackbrough Richard Contract to Sell Workhouse Page3 Line2
Blackburn Ann Overseer Account 1851 18510051
Blackburn Eliza 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910169
Blackburn Frederick 1920 Electoral Register Scriven 19200018
Blackburn Frederick 1922 Electoral Register Scriven 19220018
Blackburn Frederick 1926 Electoral Register Scriven 19260020
Blackburn Frederick 1927 Electoral Register Scriven 19270020
Blackburn Frederick 1928 Electoral Register Scriven 19280020
Blackburn Frederick 1929 Electoral Register Scriven 19290024
Blackburn G. R. 1915 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser Page12 Line42
Blackburn G. R. 1915 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser Page17 Line26, 39
Blackburn George 1918 Electoral Register Scriven 19180009
Blackburn George 1918 Electoral Register Scriven 19180097
Blackburn George 1919 Electoral Register Scriven 19190018
Blackburn George 1919 Electoral Register Scriven 19190118
Blackburn George 1921 Electoral Register Scriven 19210017
Blackburn Georgina 1918 Electoral Register Scriven 19180008
Blackburn Georgina 1919 Electoral Register Scriven 19190017
Blackburn R 1796 Valuation of Scriven Lands 17960205
Blackburn R 1796 Valuation of Scriven Lands 17960206
Blackburn Richard 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980132
Blackburn Richard 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980133
Blackburn Richard 1807 Yorkshire Poll Book 18070007
Blackburn Sarah Ann 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610195
Blackburn William 1796 Valuation of Scriven Lands 17960157
Blackburn William 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980130
Blackburn William 1798 Land Tax Assessment 17980302
Blackburn William Overseer Account 1846 18460054
Blackett Isabella 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610312
Blackett John 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610310
Blackett John Marriages 1814 - 1912 M00010
Blackett Sarah 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610311
Blackie J.E.H 1944 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page15 Line13
Blacklock 1940 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser, Harrogate Herald Page6 Line11,18
Blacklock 1941 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser Page5 Line17
Blackly 1944 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser Page17 Line30
Blackstone Alfred 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810137
Blackstone E. 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page11 Line12
Blackstone E. 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page13 Line23
Blackstone Edward 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810136
Blackstone Edward 1943 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser Page8 Line39
Blackstone Ernest 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810129
Blackstone Fred 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810135
Blackstone George 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810128
Blackstone Harriet 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810127
Blackstone Harry 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810132
Blackstone Helen 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810130
Blackstone Kate 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810134
Blackstone Louisa 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810133
Blackstone Margaret Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00150
Blackstone Thomas Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00150
Blackstone William 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810131
Blades 1917 Press Cuttings Harrogate Herald Page13 Line23
Blades ?????? 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910272
Blades George 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910277
Blades Harrison 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910271
Blades John 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910273
Blades Richard 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910276
Blades Robert 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910274
Blades William 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910275
Blades Arthur H. 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page12 Line17
Blades Robert 1912 Robinson Directory 19120006
Blake Elizabeth 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411010
Blake Hannah 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410929
Blakeborough G. 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page12 Line24
Blakeley Henry 1955 Kellys Street Directory 19550015
Blakeley J B 1930 Robinson Street Directory 19300107
Blakeley J B 1935 Robinson Street Directory 19350094
Blakeley J Brook 1925 Robinson Street Directory 19250100
Blakeley Joshua 1940 Kellys Street Directory 19400019
Blakeley Joshua 1945 Kellys Street Directory 19450014
Blakeley Joshua 1950 Kellys Street Directory 19500014
Blakeley M A 1955 Kellys Street Directory 19550135
Blakeley M E 1940 Kellys Street Directory 19400133
Blakeley M E 1945 Kellys Street Directory 19450144
Blakeley M E 1950 Kellys Street Directory 19500140
Blakeston Anne Burials 1702 - 1777 D00060
Blakeston Rachel Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00125
Blakeston Thomas Baptism 1702 - 1731 B00125
Blakeston Thomas Burials 1702 - 1777 D00060
Blakestone Elizabeth Burials 1702 - 1777 D00266
Blakestone Rachel Burials 1702 - 1777 D00067
Blakestone Thomas Burials 1702 - 1777 D00067
Blakey Extracts from Minute Book 1830-1856 Page9 Line38
Blakey Mary Ann 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710435
Blakey Stephen 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710434
Blakey Walter 1915 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser Page11 Line35
Blancher Robert Indenture of Francis Hill Page1 line13
Blancher William Indenture of Francis Hill Page1 Line13
Bland Horace 1950 Kellys Street Directory 19500063
Bland Horace 1955 Kellys Street Directory 19550063
Bland Mary J 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810140
Bland Robert 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page10 Line9
Blazier Joseph 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810142
Blazier Lydia 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810144
Blazier Mary Ann 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810143
Blenkhorn C. H. 1944 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser Page4 Line8
Blenkhorn Charles 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910577
Blenkhorn Charles H 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910579
Blenkhorn John 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910580
Blenkhorn M 1930 Robinson Street Directory 19300070
Blenkhorn M 1935 Robinson Street Directory 19350059
Blenkhorn Pricilla 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910578
Blenkhorn Priscilla 1917 Press Cuttings Harrogate Herald Page3 Line7
Blenkinsop 1944 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page1 Line14
Blizborough Mark 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410430
Bloome 1839 Tithe Apportionment 18390015
Blyth M 1950 Kellys Street Directory 19500190
Blyth M 1935 Robinson Street Directory 19350138
Blyth M 1940 Kellys Street Directory 19400181
Blyth M 1945 Kellys Street Directory 19450195
Blyth M 1955 Kellys Street Directory 19550186
Blyth W 1925 Robinson Street Directory 19250143
Blyth William 1920 Robinson Street Directory 19200047
Bob 1917 Press Cuttings Harrogate Herald Page12 Line2
Bodley 1941 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser Page5 Line28
Boges George 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710213
Boldeston Catherine 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510576
Boldeston Henry 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510575
Boldeston Mark 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510573
Boldeston Mary 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510574
Boldison Mark 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610436
Boldison Mark Overseer Account 1848 18480070
Boldison Mark Overseer Account 1849 18490054
Boldison Mark Overseer Account 1851 18510069
Boldison Mark Overseer Account 1852 18520078
Boldison Mark Overseer Account 1853 18530071
Boldison Mary 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610437
Bolland Harry Press Cuttings 1952 Harrogate Advertiser Page3 Line5,21
Bolland Leonard 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610844
Bolland William The Will of Thomas Turner Slingsby Page17 Line5
Bollingbroke Henry Press Cuttings 1952 Knaresborough Post Page1 Line27
Bolton Richard 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510582
Bolton Thomas 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510583
Bond Alfred 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510075
Bond Charles 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411261
Bond Edwin 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510076
Bond Edwin Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00357
Bond Frederick 1921 Electoral Register Scriven 19210019
Bond George 1918 Electoral Register Scriven 19180010
Bond George 1919 Electoral Register Scriven 19190019
Bond Henry J. 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411260
Bond I D 1945 Kellys Street Directory 19450077
Bond Jane 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411262
Bond Jane 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510042
Bond John H. 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411258
Bond John Henry 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510074
Bond John Henry Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00357
Bond Martha 1921 Electoral Register Scriven 19210018
Bond Martha Ann 1918 Electoral Register Scriven 19180011
Bond Martha Ann 1919 Electoral Register Scriven 19190020
Bond Mary A. 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18411259
Bond Mary Ann 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510041
Bond Mary Ann Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00357
Bonsall C. H. 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page1 Line25
Bonsall William 1914 Press Cuttings Harrogate and Claro Times & Knaresborough Guardian Page1 Line24
Booth C 1950 Kellys Street Directory 19500138
Booth Elizabeth 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910441
Booth Hannah 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610414
Booth John Overseer Account 1822 18220416
Booth John Overseer Account 1824 18240073
Booth John Overseer Account 1828 18280096
Booth John Overseer Account 1829 18290090
Booth Joseph 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910440
Booth K 1910 Robinson Street Directory 19100015
Booth L W S 1930 Robinson Street Directory 19300105
Booth Leslie W 1925 Robinson Street Directory 19250098
Booth Mary Ann 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610415
Booth Sarah Jane 1911 Scriven Census 19110440
Borashaw Sarah 1841 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18410006
Borff Joseph 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710594
Borrell Edward 1911 Scriven Census 19110255
Borrell John 1911 Scriven Census 19110257
Borrell Maud 1911 Scriven Census 19110256
Borrowman George 1940 Kellys Street Directory 19400108
Borrowman George 1945 Kellys Street Directory 19450117
Borrowman George 1955 Kellys Street Directory 19550107
Boshill Eliza 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18511237
Bosomworth 1942 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page8 Line26
Bosomworth A 1944 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page14 Line24, 31
Botteril Charles Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00447
Botteril Jane Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00447
Botteril William Jeremiah Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00447
Botterill Charles 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710097
Botterill Charles Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00455
Botterill Elizabeth 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710100
Botterill Elizabeth Reed Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00455
Botterill J.T. H. 1919 Press Cuttings Harrogate & Knaresborough Times Page2 Line14
Botterill Jane 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710098
Botterill Jane Baptism 1791 - 1912 B00455
Botterill Louise 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710101
Botterill T. H. 1919 Press Cuttings Harrogate & Knaresborough Times Page4 Line2, 10, 17, 19
Botterill William 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710099
Bottomley 1915 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser Page10 Line15, 42
Bottreill Mary 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810146
Bottreill George 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810145
Bottreill George 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810148
Bottreill Mary 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810149
Bottreill Thomas Hy 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810147
Boudler Burials 1702 - 1777 D00004
Boulton Cornelius 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610394
Boulton Elizabeth 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610395
Boulton Margaret 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610396
Bourne Tom A 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810255
Bousefield R. 1942 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page1 Line21
Bousfield Annie Marriages 1814 - 1912 M00067
Bousfield Barker Marriages 1814 - 1912 M00053
Bousfield James Marriages 1814 - 1912 M00067
Bousfield John Marriages 1814 - 1912 M00053
Bousfield Matthew Marriages 1814 - 1912 M00067
Bowden F. W. 1919 Press Cuttings Claro Times Page5 Line6
Bowdon Overseer Account 1827 18270014
Bowe Agnes 1926 Electoral Register Scriven 19260024
Bowe Agnes 1927 Electoral Register Scriven 19270024
Bowe Agnes 1928 Electoral Register Scriven 19280023
Bowe Agnes 1929 Electoral Register Scriven 19290026
Bowe Charlotte 1920 Electoral Register Scriven 19200021
Bowe Charlotte 1921 Electoral Register Scriven 19210022
Bowe Edward 1925 Electoral Register Scriven 19250026
Bowe Elizabeth Annie 1922 Electoral Register Scriven 19220021
Bowe Elizabeth Annie 1923 Electoral Register Scriven 19230023
Bowe Elizabeth Annie 1924 Electoral Register Scriven 19240024
Bowe F. 1944 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page14 Line28
Bowe Fred 1928 Robinson Directory 19280030
Bowe Fred 1930 Robinson Directory 19300012
Bowe Fred 1931 Robinson Directory 19310012
Bowe Fred 1932 Robinson Directory 19320012
Bowe Fred 1933 Robinson Directory 19330012
Bowe Fred 1934 Robinson Directory 19340012
Bowe Fred 1936 Robinson Directory 19360011
Bowe Fred 1937 Kelly Directory 19370009
Bowe Fred 1938 Kelly Directory 19380008
Bowe Fred 1939 Kelly Directory 19390006
Bowe Fred 1940 Kelly Directory 19400004
Bowe Fred 1941 Kelly Directory 19410004
Bowe Fred 1943 Kelly Directory 19430004
Bowe Fred 1945 Kelly Directory 19450004
Bowe Fred 1948 Kelly Directory 19480005
Bowe Fred 1950 Kelly Directory 19500006
Bowe Fred 1953 Kelly Directory 19530006
Bowe Fred 1955 Kelly Directory 19550006
Bowe Fred 1957 Kelly Directory 19570006
Bowe Fred 1959 Kelly Directory 19590006
Bowe Fred 1961 Kelly Directory 19610006
Bowe Hilda 1923 Electoral Register Scriven 19230022
Bowe Hilda 1924 Electoral Register Scriven 19240023
Bowe Hilda 1925 Electoral Register Scriven 19250025
Bowe Hilda 1926 Electoral Register Scriven 19260023
Bowe Hilda 1927 Electoral Register Scriven 19270023
Bowe Hilda 1928 Electoral Register Scriven 19280022
Bowe Hilda 1929 Electoral Register Scriven 19290025
Bowe John 1920 Electoral Register Scriven 19200019
Bowe John 1921 Electoral Register Scriven 19210020
Bowe John 1922 Electoral Register Scriven 19220019
Bowe John 1923 Electoral Register Scriven 19230020
Bowe John 1924 Electoral Register Scriven 19240021
Bowe John 1925 Electoral Register Scriven 19250023
Bowe John 1926 Electoral Register Scriven 19260021
Bowe John 1927 Electoral Register Scriven 19270021
Bowe John 1928 Robinson Directory 19280008
Bowe John 1929 Robinson Directory 19290008
Bowe John 1930 Robinson Directory 19300008
Bowe John 1931 Robinson Directory 19310008
Bowe John 1932 Robinson Directory 19320008
Bowe John 1933 Robinson Directory 19330008
Bowe John 1934 Robinson Directory 19340008
Bowe John K 1961 Kelly Directory 19610005
Bowe John K 1963 Kelly Directory 19630005
Bowe John K 1966 Kelly Directory 19660007
Bowe Kenneth 1959 Kelly Directory 19590005
Bowe Mary Press Cuttings 1946 Knaresborough Post Page8 Line10
Bowe Mary Hannah 1920 Electoral Register Scriven 19200020
Bowe Mary Hannah 1921 Electoral Register Scriven 19210021
Bowe Mary Hannah 1922 Electoral Register Scriven 19220020
Bowe Mary Hannah 1923 Electoral Register Scriven 19230021
Bowe Mary Hannah 1924 Electoral Register Scriven 19240022
Bowe Mary Hannah 1925 Electoral Register Scriven 19250024
Bowe Mary Hannah 1926 Electoral Register Scriven 19260022
Bowe Mary Hannah 1927 Electoral Register Scriven 19270022
Bowe Mary Hannah 1928 Electoral Register Scriven 19280021
Bower Francis Ann 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510201
Bowerbank Edward 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510206
Bowerhead Edward William 1861 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18610892
Bowerman L G 1941 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser Page3 Line13
Bowers 1918 Press Cuttings Harrogate Herald Page4 Line9
Bowers Jane 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710718
Bowers Joseph M 1905 Robinson Street Directory 19050003
Bowes Annie 1871 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18710530
Bowes Fred 1929 Robinson Directory 19290012
Bowes George H 1930 Robinson Street Directory 19300014
Bowes George H 1940 Kellys Street Directory 19400195
Bowes George H 1945 Kellys Street Directory 19450210
Bowes George H 1950 Kellys Street Directory 19500206
Bowes George H 1955 Kellys Street Directory 19550200
Bowes K.W. 1945 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser & Herald Page4 Line13
Bowes W Press Cuttings 1945 Knaresborough Post Page11 Line19
Bowland Rachael 1911 Scriven Census 19110577
Bowler Overseer Account 1822 18220029
Bowler Overseer Account 1822 18220148
Bowler Overseer Account 1822 18220260
Bowler Overseer Account 1822 18220317
Bowler Overseer Account 1823 18230028
BOWLER Ellen 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810150
BOWLER Ellen 1881 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18810151
Bowler Charles 1901 Census Scriven with Tentergate 19010193
Bowler Eliza 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510027
Bowler Ellen 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510025
Bowler Ellen 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510026
Bowler Robert 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510056
Bowler Thomas 1851 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18510057
Bowman W J 1941 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page12 Line16
Bowman W. J. 1944 Press Cuttings Knaresborough Post Page1 Line18, 20
Bowman Walter 1946 Harrogate Advertiser Page6 Line22
Bowman Walter Press Cuttings 1946 Knaresborough Post Page7 Line22
Bowmer Richard The Will of Thomas Palliser Page1 Line26
Boyes William 1891 Census Scriven with Tentergate 18910299
Boyle 1945 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser & Herald Page2 Line7, 28
Boyle George Peter 1945 Press Cuttings Harrogate Advertiser & Herald Page1 Line53, 56