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Title Sir John Ingleby Papers, Sir Henry’s Lands
Date Early 17th Century
Source West Yorkshire Archive Service, Sheepscar, Leeds
Sir Henry Slingsby’s lands pp 58-67
The Particulars of Sir Henry Slingsby’s Lands in Scriven and Knaresbrough as followeth
One Capitall messuage called Scriven Hall with the Orchard Garden Dove Coate and other the Outhouses and the Outward Court iepayled about whereof about the quantity of one Acre was taken In and Inclosed out of his Highness Common and the Way Leading from the Town of Scriven to the said Comon (sic) about 50 years Since by Francis Slingsby Esquire father of the said Henry who in Lien thereof did Leave out soe much of his own freehold as did amount almost to twice as much as was taken and suffered that to be used for a Way to Lead from the Town of Scriven to the said Moor of Scriven as may appear by an Old Ditch showing which way the Hedge of the Antient Inclosure of the said freehold did goe part whereof within the said empayled Court and part without the Same.
Also there is on the West side of the said Messuage 4 acres on Little Copp of Wood Called Hall Park Containing by Estimation 4 Acres
Reference Number | Area | Entry |
170001 | 5 Acres | Also on the South side of the said Messuage one Close of Meadow Called Well Close parcel whereof is now made into a Horse Close and is in the Occupation of the said Henry containing by Estimation 5 Acres |
170002 | 2 Acres & ½ | Also one Cottage or Messuage in Scriven and one Little Close of Meadow on the Back side that of adjoining on the said Well close in the Tenure of Henry Scagglethorpe Containing 2 Acres and an half. |
170003 | 5 Acres the rent with one Acre more is 4d | Also one Lofte inbuilded and one Close in Tentergate called the Howeats in the Tenure of William Waid Containing by Estimation 5 Acres and payeth together with one Acre more of the Lands of Robert Hill and parcel of the said Close the yearly Rent of 4d |
170004 | 10 Acres | Also one Close in Tentergate called Butters Close in the Tenure of Christopher Beecroft Clerk Containing by Estimation 10 Acres and was sometimes Jacksons Lands |
170005 | 1 Rood | Also one Messuage or Cottage in Scriven with a Croft on the Back side in the Tenure of Thomas Lightfoot Containing one rood |
170006 | 1 Rood & ½ | Also one Messuage with a Croft one the Backside in the Tenure of Oswald Turnbull late Lightfoots Land Containing one rood and an half |
170007 | 3 Acres | Also 2 Messuages with a Close of Pasture and meadow on the Back side in the Tenure of Richard Andrews and was Keighley’s Land containing by Estimation 3 Acres |
170008 | 7 Acres | Also one Close of Meadow called Durham Close and Durham Spring in the Tenure of the said Richard Andrews Containing 7 Acres |
170009 | 2 Acres & ½ | Also one Close of Meadow called Town End Close In the Tenure of William Andrew Containing 2 Acres and a half. |
170010 | 1 Acre | Also one Cottage in the Tenure of Uxor Braithwaite and one Close of Meadow on the Backside thereof in the Tenure of Francis Holmes Containing by Estimation one Acre |
170011 | 3 Acres | Also one Close of Meadow called the Vante/Vaute garth in the Tenure of Uxor Nicholson Containing by Estimation 3 acres and one Cottage which seems to be parcel of the said Close in the Tenure of Uxor Pickard |
170012 | 1 Acre | Also one Close of Pasture called the Roke where it seemeth there hath been a Cottage in the Tenure of Richard Palliser Containing 1 Acre |
170013 | 1 Acre & ½ | Also one Close of Meadow called the Roke out of which the Highway which Leadeth to the Moore from Scriven is taken and did further Extend it self within the Parcell of the Utter Court of the said Capitall Messuage in the Tenure of the said Sir Henry Slingsby Containing 2 Acres and there is more Pasture called Roke bottom In the Tenure of the said Henry Containing 1 Acre and a half or thereabout. |
170014 | 6 Acres | Also one Messuage in Tentergate and 6 Acres of Land Meadow and pasture in the Tenure of Uxor Burnett and was Late Birnands Land and purchased by the said Sir Henry of Sir Francis Trapps Birnand Knight as by Indenture bearing Date 2nd die Septembris Anno Sexto Regis nostri Jacobi |
170015 | 1 Acre & ½ | Also one Close of Arrable Land lying in or near the Quarrell field in the Occupation of John Snersby called Redshaws Close by Estimation 1 Acre and a half this Close passed by the said Indenture. |
170016 | ½ an Acre | Also one half Acre Arrable in the Quarrell Field Late Birnands and 1 Acres and an half in the said field late Dearlove’s both which were purchased by Sir Henry Viz. The former of Sir Francis Trapps and the Latter of John Dearlove all in Matthew Henlock’s Occupation |
170017 | 3 Acres | Also one Messuage or Cottage in Tentergate in the Tenure of Uxor Randall. Also one Close of Meadow called Cross Close In the tenure of William Darnton Containing by Estimation 3 Acres |
170018 | 12 Acres | Also one Close of Pasture called the Lund now made a Horse Close 12 AcresAll the premises are the freehold of Sir Henry Slingsby and are no part Arrable but used Sometime for Meadow and Sometimes for Pasture Except the three Acres aforesaid In the Quarrell field and the Close Called Redshaw those being also In or near the Quarrell field |
170019 | 2 Acres | Also one Close Arrable adjoining on Green Gate Lane in the Tenure of Thomas Roundell Containing by Estimation 2 Acres. |
170020 | 2 Acres | Also one Close of Meadow on the other side of Green Gate Lane in the Tenure of Richard Palliser Containing by Estimation 2 Acres |
170021 | Also one Parcell of Scroggeyill ground lately Stubbed and plowed adjoining on the Gibbett and hath been Supposed to be Parcell of Farnham Containing by Estimation [text missing] but it is not Certaine to the Jury how to find it. |
Here followeth other the Inheritance of the said Sir Henry Slingsby whereof part is freehold part Bondhold or Copyhold of Inheritance and part of the Inheritance of other men owners of the Lands in the fields of Scriven and Knaresborough with whom Exchanges have been made for Occupation onely (sic) by the Ancestors of the said Sir Henry without any Conveyance or Assurance by Surrender Deed or otherwise the Ancestors of the said Sir Henry and of the other owners Containing the payment of year Rents and Services for the Lord of the Mannor Severally and respectively as they did before their Exchange by Reason whereof a great part of the said Lands hereafter mentioned is unknown whether it be freehold Bondhold or Copyhold and who is the proper owner and for so much thereof as yet Remaineth In Memory of which of those Tenures it is and who is the proper owner of it Cannot well be bounded and doe it The whole or the most part of these parcells following haveing been in the Occupation of the said Sir Henry and his Ancestors and their Assigns without Memory and in Lieu thereof the proper Inheritance of the said Sir Henry part freehold and part Bondhold and Copyhold of In heritance hath been likewise for the like time in the Occupation of Diverse Severall persons by former Consent and Agreement of their Severall respective Ancestors Viz.
170022 | 35 Acres 5Acres | One Close of Pasture and Arrable Containing by Estimation 35 Acres called the Coney Garth. One Close of Meadow called Dryleas and Coldrale Containing by Estimation 5 Acres all in the Occupation of the said Sir Henry and are parcel of the Westfield of Scriven. |
170023 | 3 Acres | Also one Close called Marshall Pasture in the Tenure of Uxor Nicholson Containing by Estimation 3 Acres |
170024 | 15 Acres | Also one Close of Arrable called Sinfulls In the Tenure of Thomas Roundell Containing by Estimation 15 Acres |
170025 | 5 Acres | Also one Close of Arrable called Little Sinfulls in the Tenure of Richard Andrew Containing by Estimation 5 Acres |
170026 | 8 Acres | Also one Close of Arrable or most part thereof called Longlands In the Occupation of the said Richard Andrew Containing by Estimation 8 Acres |
170027 | 15 Acres half 1 rood | Also the most part of one Close Arrable called Goodey furlands 6 Acres and one Rood and in Doum Potts 9 Acres and one half Acre 6 Acres and one Rood on the Tenure of Richard Andrew and 9 acres and one half in the Tenure of Uxor Nicholson Containing 15 acres and 3 roods. |
170028 | 2 Acres | Also one Parcell of a Close Arrable called the Deale in the Tenure of Uxor Nicholson Containing by Estimation 2 Acres |
Also 2 Messuages 3 Bays one Barn 3 Bays and another Outhouse one Bay with a Garden and a Little garth of Bondhold in Scriven in the Tenure of the said Uxor Nicholson.
170029 | 8 Acres | Also the most part of a Close Arrable called the Oake Flatt in the Tenure of Uxor Nicholson Containing in Estimation 8 acres |
170030 | 6 Acres | Also one Close Arrable called the Little Hazlehead in the Tenure of Peter Keighley Containing by Estimation 6 Acres |
170031 | 9 Acres | Also a great Part of a Close Arrable called great Hazleheads in the Occupation of Wm. Wade, Richard Andrew, Thomas Kirkman and Robert Forster Containing by Estimation 8 Acres and one Acre of Meadow in the Vaid Close in the Tenure of Oswald Turnbull |
170032 | 2 Acres and an half | Also one Close of Meadow parcel of the said flat Hazlehead in the Tenure of Marmaduke Burrell Containing 2 acres and a half. |
170033 | 16 Acres | Also one Close Arrable Called Long [text missing] in the Tenure of Richard Andrew and his Son Containing by Estimation 16 Acres. |
170034 | 12 Acres | Also one Close Arrable Called Low Close in the Tenure of the said Henry Containing by Estimation 12 Acres. |
170035 | 5 Acres and an half | Also the most part of a Close Arrable called gails end and in the Tenure of John Roundell, Wm Wilks and Uxor Hill of Scotton Containing by Estimation 5 Acres and a half whereof half an Acre in the Tenure of Uxor Hill for her life was lately purchased of Richard Palliser |
170036 | 8 Acres and 3 Roods | Also one Bondhold Messuage 3 Bays one Barn 2 Bays and a garth in Scriven in the Tenure of William Anderson and one Close called Sixteen Lands Containing by Estimation 8 Acres and upon one flatt called the Sidecropps 3 roods all Arrable |
170037 | 3 Acres | Also on Bondhold Messuage 3 Bays one Old Barn 2 Bays one Garden and an Orchard and a Garth in Tentergate and one Close of Meadow on the Backside bondhold In the Tenure of Christopher Beecroft Containing by Estimation 3 Acres |
170038 | One Acre and an half | Also one half Messuage 2 Bays and an Orchard or Barth in Tentergate in the Tenure of George Forrest and Thomas Clark and one Close of Meadow Bondhold on the Backside Containing one Acre and an halfe. |
170039 | 2 Acres | Also one Close of Meadow in the Longsike in the Tenure of Richard Moore Containing by Estimation 2 Acres |
170040 | 2 Acres and an half | Also one Close of Arrable called Clarke Close in the Tenure of Richard Benson Containing by Estimation 2 Acres and an half. |
170041 | 3 Acres | Also one Close Arrable Called Crosse Close in the Tenure of Robert Riddall containing by Estimation 3 acres |
170042 | One Acre and an half | Also one close of meadow called half penny in the Tenure of William Darnton whereof half an Acre bought of Richard Palliser after the Death of Uxor Hill of Scotton his Grandmother Containing one Acre and an half |
170043 | 5 Acres and an half | Also upon one flat arrable called Burtree Stub Containing 3 Acres In the Tennure of Francis Holmes one Acre in the Tenure of Marmaduke Rothwell and one Acre in the Tenure of William Ripley and half an Acre in the Tenure of Henry Pickard. |
170044 | 3 Acres | Also upon one flatt arrable called Sidecropps in the Tenure of John Lightfoot Containing one Acre and in the Tenure of Peter Keighley In the Same flat [text missing] Acre and on the [text missing] Arrable in the Tenure of the said John Lightfoot half an acre. |
170045 | 2 Acres and an half | Also upon one flat Arrable called Frannells Vizt One Acre In the Tenure of Christopher Brandsby and one Acre in the Tennure of Christopher Palliser which Pallisder Saith that he holdeth there but one half Acre from the said Sir Henry |
170046 | 1 Acre and an half | Also upon one flatt Arrable called Carmire Knowle In the Tenure of Peter Benson Containing by Estimation 1 Acre and an half |
170047 | Half an Acre | Also upon a flatt called Thirlebeck Leas half an Acre of Meadow Bondhold In the Tenure of Thomas Lightfoot |
170048 | 3 Roods | Also upon one flatt Arrable called Lowgailes End in the Tenure of Marmaduke Rothwell containing by Estimation 3 Roods. |
170049 | 1 Acre | Also upon one Arrable called Town end Lands in the Tenure of John Johnson Containing by Estimation 1 Acre |
170050 | Half an Acre | Also upon a flatt of meadow Called Sidecropps incolsed within a Close of Marmaduke Rothwells and in the Tenure of the said Marmaduke Rothwell Containing half an acre |
170051 | 3 Acres and one Rood | Also Parcell of a flatt Arrable called Wisebottom and adjoining on the Gibbett in the Tenure of Thomas Roundell half an acre in the Tenure of Robert Leake half an Acre and more parcel of the said flatt Lately bought of Thomas Roundell and now in the Tenure of Marmaduke Roundell parcel of the said flats 3 Rood |
170052 | 1 Acre and 1 Rood | Also parcel of a flatt Arrable called Longsike in the Tenure of Marmaduke Roundell containing by Estimation 1 Acre and one Rood |
170053 | 3 Acres | Also one Close part of Haslehead and part of Longsike in the Tenure of Oswald Turnbull Containing in Haslehead 2 Acres and in Longsike 1 Acre. |
170054 | 2 Acres and 1 Rood | Also parcel of a flatt Arrable called Haslehead in the Tenure of Marmaduke Roundell Containing 1 Acre and 1 Close parcel of the said flatt in the Tenure of Uxor Braithwaite Containing 1 Acre and 1 Rood |
170055 | 1 Acre and 1 Rood | Also one Little Old house adjoining on the Park of Hay being part of the said Haslehead and Certain Land adjoining thereunto In the Tenure of John Keighley Containing 1 Acre and 1 Rood |
170056 | 1 Acre and an half | Also one Close Arrable called Greengate Close and parcel of the flatt called Sidecropps in the Tenure of William Pearson Containing 1 Acre and an half |
170057 | 1 Acre | Also parcel of a flatt called Carmire whereof part of One Side the Way is Pasture enclosed and part on the other side the Way is Arrable Lying unenclosed in the Tenure of John Johnson 1 Acre and 1 Rood whereof 3 roods parcel thereof was lately purchased of Richard Thompson by Copy of Court Roll |
170058 | 3 Roods | Also one close of Meadow Parcell of a flatt called Blackroods in the Tenure of the said John Johnson Containing 3 roods whereof 1 Rood parcel thereof was lately urchased of the said Thompson as aforesaid |
170059 | 3 Acres and an half | Also parcel of a flatt Arrable called Oak Flatt also Mackmire in the Tenure of Marmaduke Roundell Containing 3 Acres and an half. |
170060 | 4 Acres | Also one Close Pasture called Carr Close in the Tenure of Richard Palliser Containing by Estimation 4 Acres |
170061 | 2 Acres | Also half a Close Pasture called Carr Close in the Tenure of William Burnett Containing by Estimation two Acres and parcel of another Close of Meadow called Darnton? Close in the Tenure of Marmaduke Roundell Containing by estimation |
170062 | 4 Acres | Also parcel of one Close of Pasture called the Little Low Close in the Tenure of Richard Palliser Containing by Estimation 4 Acres the residue of the said close being of the Demesnes parcel of Gibbett |
170063 | Half an Acre | Also one Little Close being Parcell of Wisebottom in the Tenure of the said Richard called Joyewisthold containing by Estimation half an Acre |
170064 | 7 Acres and 3 Roods | Also parcel of a flatt Arrable Called Breary Flatt also Neths Lasers in the Tenure of Richard Andrew, Thomas Kirkman and Thomas Roundell Containing 7 Acres and 3 Roods Sometimes Birnands Lands and was lately purchased of Sir Francis Trapps both by Deed and Copy. |
170065 | 19 Acres | Also Parcell of one flatt meadow and Pasture called Wreis? In the Tenure of Uxor Waid and Diverse other persons Containing 19 Acres Sometimes Birnands Lands and was Lately purchased of the said Sir Francis Trapps by Deed and Copy. |
170066 | Half a rood | Also parcel of one flatt called Haggin Raines in the Tenure of Robert Leake Containing by Estimation half a Rood |
Peter Benson
Peter Keighley