An Introduction to Sources
Over the course of the investigation of Scriven tens of maps and aerial photographs have been located and carefully examined for evidence of archaeological or historic features. Records from National Archives, County Record Offices, County Heritage Departments, local libraries, newspapers and private collections have been examined. Hundreds of documents relevant to Scriven have been found and transcribed whilst thousands of photographs have been either taken by Claro members, have been discovered in local archives or have been generously given to the group by local residents.
A full list of all the maps and aerial photographs can be found in Sources but because of copyright issues only a few of the maps, 1854, 1907 & 1950, can be reproduced in the website.
The most significant documents from the hundreds transcribed have been included in the sources section of the website and they have been separated into compatible groups, which can be accessed either from the drop down menu of Sources or from the links to the right on this page. Documents of a tabular nature have been recreated as web pages whereas all other Source documents are in Portable Document Format, PDF, and all have links to return to the previous page. It should be noted that in the tables a reference number has been added for data and search management. These reference numbers did not appear in the original documents.
A search may be carried out via the Search Box in the heading of the web page and this will identify where the search criteria may be found across the Scriven website. Once a source document has been opened CTRL+F will open a search box which will locate and highlight the entries of the search criteria within the open document.
Most of the photographs will be found within the records for Archaeology, Finds and Trees but others appear in the Further Reading section.
If your interest is to search for a person then the above search techniques may be used but a better option is to use the Ancestry section where an index by surname/forename has been prepared.