1823 Account

Back to Overseers Accounts for Scriven with Tentergate Township.1813 – 1854

Pension List January 1823

Reference Number Names £ s d
18230001 William Fletcher 3.. 3.. 3.. 3.. 12
18230002 Thomas Madder 4 4.. 4.. 4.. 16
18230003 Ann Perfect 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 4
18230004 Simon Brown 3.. 3.. 3.. 3.. 12
18230005 Widow Schowfield 2 2.. 2.. 2.. 8
18230006 Matthew Jackson 2.. 2.. 2.. 2.. 8
18230007 Jane Young 2.. 2.. 2 2.. 8
18230008 Ann Richardson 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 2
18230009 Ann Steel 4 4
18230010 Bartle Hall 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 6
18230011 Thomas Wood 3.. 3.. 3.. 3.. 12
18230012 Ann Kipling 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 4
18230013 George Bake 2.. 2.. 2.. 2.. 8
18230014 Widow Barff 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 6
18230015 Mary Barff 6.. 6.. 6.. 6.. 1 4
18230016 Mary Wilson 1 0.6 1 6
18230017 Francis Spence 2.. 2.. 2.. 2.. 8
18230018 Absalom Bramley 2 2 2.. 2.. 8
18230019 Widow Bruce 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 6
18230020 Sophia Lambert 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 4
18230021 Dorothy Johnson 1.. 1.. 1.. 1 4
18230022 William Fairburn 2.. 2.. 2.. 2.. 8
18230023 Winefred Lawson 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 4
18230024 Richard Croft 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 4
18230025 Thomas Ryder 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 6
18230026 Hannah Hall 1 1 1 1 4
18230027 Widow Shann 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 10
18230028 Widow Bowler 3.. 3 3.. 3.. 12
18230029 Mary Hall 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 10
18230030 Mercy Nicholson 2 2.. 2.. 2.. 8
18230031 Esther Ellis 3.. 3 3.. 3.. 12
18230032 Widow Burliston 3.. 3.. 3.. 3.. 12
18230033 Elisabeth Iles 3.. 3.. 3.. 3.. 12
18230034 Sarah Drury 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 18
18230035 Margaret Surr 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 10
18230036 Martha Simpson 2.. 2.. 2.. 2.. 8
18230037 Mary Hudson 2.. 2.. 2.. 2.. 8
18230038 Ann Barley 2.. 2.. 2.. 2.. 8
18230039 Richard Mirfield 2.. 2.. 2.. 2.. 8
18230040 Mary Mirfield 2.. 2.. 2.. 2.. 8
18230041 Jane Robinson 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 10
18230042 Thomas Lund 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 6
18230043 John Longthorn 4.. 4.. 4 4.. 16
18230044 Ann Appleton 5.. 5.. 5.. 5.. 1
19 7 6

House Expenses for January 1823

£ s d
18230045 Jan 9th To 20 St of Bread Meal at ¼ per Stone 1 6 8
18230046 To …..Andrew Butcher as per Bill 9 1
18230047 To John Matker Do as per Bill 9
18230048 To Wm Walker Do as per Bill 10
18230049 29 To 8 St of Bread Meal at ¼ per Stone 10 8
18230050 To Milk 4 Weeks as per Account 1 3
18230051 To 1½ lb Butter at 1/6 per lb 2 3
18230052 To Mr Shaw as per Bill 2 3
18230053 To Thos Taylor as per Bill 11 8
18230054 To 12 Pecks of Potatoes at 6d per Peck 6
18230055 To Tea Sugar and Coffee for Martha Auman 4 11
18230056 To Yest 4 Weeks 1 3
18230057 To Bread Baking 4 Weeks 2 4
18230058 To 4oz Tobacco for George Waite 1 4
18230059 6 6 2
18230060 To 6 Spoons at 2½d per Spoon 1 3
18230061 To 1 Large Water Pot ½ to other pots 8d 1 10
18230062 6 9 3
18230063 To 8 Bowls 8d etle 5 Pints for Martha Auman 1 11
18230064 £ 6 11 2
18230065 George Waite 4 weeks
18230066 Francis Waters 4
18230067 Thomas Wise 4
18230068 Margaret Wise 4
18230069 Robert Ledgway 4
18230070 Sarah Ledgway 4
18230071 Richard Ledgway 4
18230072 Ann Ledgway 4
18230073 John Ledgway 4
18230074 Mark Ledgway 4
18230075 Ann Bramley 4
18230076 John Webster Wixley 4
18230077 Hannah Rood Stainley 4
18230078 Martha Auman and child 4
18230079 John Scaif Burton 1
18230080 Rachel Scafe Do 2
18230081 Do Boy Do 2
18230082 Do Girl Do
18230083 Mrs Drury Breaton 1
18230084 Thos Taylor Burton 4

1823 Extra Disbursements for January 1823

£ s d
18230085 Jan 6th Gave Chris Hall at the Meeting 2
18230086 Paid when the Accounts was settled and A Bill paid 6
18230087 7 To 6 Quires of Paper at 1s a quire 6
18230088 8 To the Assessment Signing 1
18230089 9 Paid John Whitaker for Mary Wilson Boy as per Bill 2 8
18230090 10 Paid John Towland for advertising Frederick Smithson 1 5 6
18230091 Paid Wm Langdal for 120 Bills as per Bill 5
18230092 11 To coffin for George Surr child and A coffin for Ann Steel 1 6
18230093 To 3½ Yards of Flannel and 3½ Yards of Crape at 1s per Yd 7
18230094 To Bread + Cheese 2/6 Ale 2/6. Burial fees 4/10 9 10
18230095 19 Paid Miss Morley ½ Years Rent for Tho Ryder due Jan 31st 1823 17 6
18230096 24 Sent George Ibbetson to Preston 2
18230097 To 1 Pair Shoes for Martha Auman 4 6
18230098 Paid Thos Outhwaite Matt Jackson ½ Years Rent due last Martin 2
18230099 Paid Mr Deres Miss Youngs Rent due Jan 1st 1823 1 10
18230100 Paid Wm Fountain Francis Spence Rent due last Martinmas 1 10
18230101 Paid Joseph Bradfiield Wm Fairburn Rent due Dec 19th 1822 2 2
18230102 30 To 1 Webb of Callico 12 6
18230103 To 5 yds of Flannel for Sophia Lambert 3 6
18230104 Paid last Part of George Bakes Rent 1
18230105 To Ginham for 2 Gowns 11 yards at 6d per yd 5 6
18230106 To 4 yd of Serge for 2 Pettecoats at 2s per yd + Thread 6d 8 6
18230107 George Morrel suspended Orders 9d Relieved him 5 14
18230108 Paid for 2 Women Gowns making and one girls 4
18230109 To thread and to make same 6
18230110 To 1 letter from Preston 10 + 1 Letter Pateley 7d 1 5
18230111 To Letters to and from Barnsley 3 7
18230112 Paid the Turnpike Barr from Wetherby 1
18230113 Relieved Wm Surr 3 times 9
18230114 Relieved Chris Hall 3 times 7
18230115 Relieved thos Johnson 2 times 4
18230116 Relieved Sophia Lambert 1
18230117 Relieved Margaret Jackson when she got her Bed 3
18230118 To A pair of Sledging Mittins for Thos Wise 4
18230119 Paid Wm Harrison Constable Bill 6 5 2
18230120 Paid Mr Wilson 51 Weeks for Martha Johnson as per Bill 6 7 6
18230121 When Received 3 Bastard Money 1 6
18230122 Master 1 Month Salary 2 10
18230123 To 1 Shoulder of Mutton 11lb at 3½ Mist in the House Expenses 3 2
18230124 Extra Disbursements 35 4 10
18230125 Pensioners 19 7 6
18230126 House Expenses 6 11 2
18230127 Total Disbursements £ 61 3 6

Imbursements for January 1823

£ s d
18230128 By Balance of last Accounts 10 10 4
18230129 By A fourfold Assessment Laid Jan the 6th 1823 192 17 8
18230130 By Thomas Calvert of York 5
18230131 By Wm Walker 13 Weeks Pay for Elis Iles child at 3/
18230132 Per Week from Oct 11th 1822 to Jan the 11th 1823 1 19
18230133 By Ths Outhwaite 13 weeks for Martha Simpson child
18230134 At 2s a Week from Oct 11th 1822 to Jan 11th 1823 1 6
18230135 By P Burkhill for Margaret Child due 3 19
18230136 By Thos Wise Work 1
18230137 By Robt Ledgway Work 17
18230138 Total Imbursements 217 9
18230139 Total Disbursements 61 3 6
18230140 Remains due to the Township 156 5 6
18230142 February the 3rd 1823
18230143 Examined and Allowed by us
18230145 (signed) Thos Simpson
18230146 John Calverley
18230147 Abrm Johnson
18230148 John Meadley