The Scriven Project
The Scriven project is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, supported by the Arts and Museum Department of Harrogate Borough Council and technical guidance is provided by archaeologist Kevin Cale of Community Archaeology Ltd. The work commenced in 2008 and will be completed in 2013 with the publication of the results of our investigations. The extent of the study area is shown on the Google map below.
The programme of work was to complete a survey and record the landscape archaeology of the study area, to identify recent finds by local metal detectorists and create records for each of the finds, to audit the trees and hedgerows and through interviews with current and past inhabitants and archival research, to record the local history of Scriven.
The initial stage of the project was to locate as many sources of information as possible with references to Scriven from County Archives, English Heritage, North Yorkshire County Council Heritage Department, local newspapers, libraries and private collections. This resulted in over 1000 document references, many of which have been transcribed, and some 80 maps and aerial photographs. A selection of the documents can be found under the “Sources” heading together with a list of all maps and aerial photographs used.
Landscape Archaeology
During the course of the first four years of the project we continued our desk top study of the information we had discovered and visited the site to survey the landscape archaeology. For each archaeological feature a record has been created. To date we have in excess of 300 records which can be viewed together with any photographs under the heading Landscape Archaeology. Because of the number of records they have been divided into five groups. Moving the mouse over the heading Landscape Archaeology will show the groups. In some instances we have created sub groups to reduce the number of records to be viewed.
We have examined, identified and recorded in excess of 1000 objects found in Scriven by metal detectorists over the past few years. Again these have been separated into groups and sub groups and the groups can be seen by moving the mouse over the heading Finds. Records and photographs can be viewed.
Trees and Hedgerows
A total of 180 trees has been surveyed and the records are arranged by tree type. Hedgerows are 73 in numberand the records are organised by location. As above, records and photographs can be viewed by going to the appropriate heading.
Whilst our objective is to produce a publication of our results it has been a necessary to carry out analyses of selected parts of our data to create the information to be included in our final report. The results of these analyses can be seen under “Further Reading”, Specific Topics.
During the course of our investigations we have organised numerous exhibitions to inform both the members of the village of Scriven and the local population of Knaresborough and district and talks have been given to many local groups and societies. Some of these exhibitions and slide shows from our talks can be seen under “Further Reading“, Exhibitions and Talks.
Supporting this project we have a book entitled "The Chronicles of Scriven", A Tale in three Parts
This book is available from: -
1. Castlegate Books, Market Place, Knaresborough.
2. from the groups headquareters in The Court House at Knaresborough Castle (Thurseday 10am till 3pm ONLY)
N.B. Price is £15 excluding postage and packing. UK only post and packaging £5 (prices correct at Nov. 2013)
Information on this book and previous publications can be found under “Further Reading”, Publications
Please note that the only areas of public access are the Jacob Smith Park, formerly Scriven Park and the village green and there are no public rights of way. If you visit the site please respect the privacy and property of the residents of Scriven.
The Scriven project would not have been succesfully completed but for the dedication and hard work of the members of the Claro Community Archaeology Group, namely Mike Baxter, Thomas Baxter, Malcolm Coulson, Judith Eaton, Peter Eaton, Kevin Earl, Sylvia Everington, Marie Holmes, David Hunt, Margaret Jackson, Bob Johnson, Ann Kirk, Will Kitching, Colin Knowles, Pamela Osborne, Greg Richardson, Ann Smith, Monica Strawn, Cynthia Stevenson, Jean Stockley, Jim Sykes, Pam Sykes, Evelyn Todd, Dave Vickers, Fred Watson and Chris Wood.